Thursday, November 19, 2009

I want back down!

So, I have been having issues over the past few days and really need a mental health day! I am sick of work, Hubby is pissing me off, poor Chip and Dale are doing nothing but getting on my nerves, I am preparing to go on a "vacation" that I am really not looking forward to, and I find out this morning my sister is going back to her abusive husband again!

Trust me, I know my problems are crap compared to others. There are people dealing with sick children or sick spouses or sick loved ones. Or have just lost one of those loved ones. Or they are unemployed and can't find a job. Or they are homeless and starving. Or...I could go on and on.

I know that I am being selfish! I know that my life is wonderful compared to others. I know that I am lucky to be healthy and have a healthy family. And I am lucky to have a good job and a nice house and a car to drive. And I am lucky to have nice things.

But sometimes I just want to run away. I wonder what it would be like to be on my own, with no one else to worry about. Not to have any one depend on me for anything. To be responsible for me only. But that is not my life. I have a house to run. I have two kids to take care of. I have a husband who might as well be my third child. I have a job that demands a lot of my time and energy.

I really am thankful for all that I have. I am strong and resilient and I will get through this. In a couple of days I will forget I was ever feeling this way. I just need to blow off some steam and have a few drinks and maybe a night out.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Just call me Mrs. Right!

Hello World! I am beginning my journey as a blogger and I have no idea what I am doing or how I got here. I am a wanna-be writer whose ultimate goal is to write a novel. And somehow in my whacked-out head starting a blog was the logical first step to starting. Okay, okay, I know it sounds ludicrous, it even sounds ludicrous to me. But here I am. Take it or leave it.

So I am sure your first question is: "Who is this woman called Mrs.Right?" Well I am a thirty something mother of two beautiful girls (we will call them Chip & Dale). I have a wonderful husband who I have been married to for over 9 years (we will call him Hubby and on those rare occasions when he is on my shit list we will call him Mr. Wrong). I work full time in the real estate business. And of course I also work full time as a mom and a wife. Needless to say, I am a busy woman who has very little time for such useless things as blogging when I should be doing a million other things.

Now, I know your second question is: "Why does she call herself Mrs. Right?" It is simple, I am always right. Well, at least in my own little world I am. But seriously people, I really am right about things almost all the time. Ask Hubby, he will tell you. Poor fellow. He never has a chance of winning an argument with me. And I can't tell you how many times he has turned to me completely defeated about something or other and said, "You were right." Well, duh! But I am not so smug as to say, "I told you so!" I just keep my mouth shut and that stabs the knife even deeper. Somehow he always seems to forget and he always does what I advise him against doing and the cycle continues.

I must admit, at this point I am not sure where I am going with this blog or what I hope to accomplish from it. I think for me it will be an outlet for all the crap that rattles around in my head. And maybe flushing out some of the crap will help me explore the story for my novel that is also rattling around in my head. And for you, maybe you will relate to some post or you will totally not relate but therefore have to read anyway because it is so far from your own life. And if nobody reads anything I write...who cares! Until next time.